Calathea Beauty Star 2”
Enjoys Medium to High Indirect Sunlight (Avoid direct Sunlight)
Water once the top soil feels dry (Do not let soil dry completely)
These are drama queens; unless you can provide a perfectly humid environment expect some crispy edges. They will ‘faint’ when they dry out but give them a good drench and they perk back up!
Enjoys high humidity
Enjoys Medium to High Indirect Sunlight (Avoid direct Sunlight)
Water once the top soil feels dry (Do not let soil dry completely)
These are drama queens; unless you can provide a perfectly humid environment expect some crispy edges. They will ‘faint’ when they dry out but give them a good drench and they perk back up!
Enjoys high humidity
Enjoys Medium to High Indirect Sunlight (Avoid direct Sunlight)
Water once the top soil feels dry (Do not let soil dry completely)
These are drama queens; unless you can provide a perfectly humid environment expect some crispy edges. They will ‘faint’ when they dry out but give them a good drench and they perk back up!
Enjoys high humidity